Android/Apple App with Push Notifications Under Your Own Name! Synchronize Messages with Your Website. Contact us, and we can create your application within one day. Try it without obligation for at least six months!
Module Solutions: - Push Messages - Notice Board - Community Messages - Points of Interest - Suggestions from Citizens - Neighborhood Garage Sale - Quick Surveys - Garbage Collection Schedule with Automatic Notifications - Sport & Culture Calendar - Lost & Found - and more, customized to your needs.
Get Your App Under the Municipality's Name!
Available for Android and iOS/Apple mobile devices, free to download on Google Play and Apple Store under the name of your city/municipality.
Deliver an unlimited number of push notifications to mobile devices. Your citizens will never miss important messages or events, including a history feature and countdown days.
Designed for all age groups, from children to seniors. No need for a manual. Clear icons and push notifications feature the logo or coat of arms of your municipality/city.
A monthly standard fee for service and support, including unlimited push notifications, starts from just 40 CAD. Starting the application is free with no strings attached. Enjoy a 6-month non-binding trial period.
News, Neighborhood bazaar, Polls, Waste & Recycling Schedule with automatic reminders, Citizens' Initiatives, Cultural Events Calendar, Weekly Calendar, Monuments & Interesting places, Lost & Found, Agendas & Minutes, Photogalleries, and more, customized to your needs.
For administration, all you need is a PC or mobile phone with an internet connection. The application itself on Google Play and Apple Store is compact, not exceeding 3MB in size.